Racer 5 | Bottle Design _ Brand Refresh
Keep your eyes on the prize, weaving through the pack, the biggest adrenaline rush is right here in these bottles. High stakes went into this award winning pale ales, with Racer 5, the champion west coast IPAs. This project’s objective was to give a new life to an existing beer brand bottle label and necker, opting to target a new segment within the California brewery market. My choice was Bear Republic’s award-winning India Pale Ale, a crisp, yet full-bodied, hoppy taste fest with a springy kick. Its head tops off like a celebratory explosion of champagne at the winner’s circle.
My selection of Bear Republic’s fantastic IPA proved to be a great choice for visual hierarchy, foil rubdown application, and shifting a brand with packaging. Additionally, a second type of brew under the same design was asked to be designed to pair with it.